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Special Church Conference | Tuesday, Jan. 24th, 6pm | OBUMC Sanctuary

Church Conference | Tuesday, January, 24th, 6pm | OBUMC Sanctuary | A special Church Conference will be held on January 24th at 6pm in the sanctuary of OBUMC to consider the resolution from the Church Council to disaffiliate (separate) from the United Methodist Denomination. Dr. Bishop, our District Superintendent, will lead this meeting. All full members of the church present will vote on the resolution (anyone attending who abstains will be treated as a vote against the resolution). A two-thirds majority of those present is required to pass the resolution. Please arrive early as you will be required to show personal identification to receive a voting ballot. We anticipate this may be a lengthy meeting. Registration will be open at 5:15pm. Photo ID required. Childcare will be provided.

January 19

Blood Drive | Thursday, Jan. 19th, 12pm-4pm | Brooks Center

January 29

3rd Grade Devotional Presentation | January, 29th | During both worship services